How Much Do Bloggers Make From Blogging – (updated 2024)

Does Blogging worth doing? Know how much bloggers are making

Peoples do blogging for different purposes, some do it as passion, others to earn money.

If the purpose of your blog is to earn money, then obviously you are eager to know, “How much do bloggers make from blogging”?

So, Here I have provided the details of some bloggers earnings with their blogs as of 2024.

In this post, I have discussed the details of approximate earnings of popular bloggers.

The details covered are

  • Popular bloggers from India
  • Popular bloggers around the world
  • A Simple Strategy to earn from blogging – my method

At the end of the post, I have explained a simple strategy, which I used on my first blog to earn money.

This post is to motivate new bloggers who are struggling to earn money blogging.

Also, all bloggers are not making money from it, only some who do it right and with passion.

How Much Do Bloggers Make From Blogging?


First let’s see how a blogger makes money from blogging.

How Do Bloggers make money ?

The real fact about bloggers income is, they earn the most when they do it as a passion.

Highly paid bloggers in the world do blogging as a passion, not to earn money.

Professional bloggers love blogging and they make money when they monetise their blog with different methods like,

With advertisements

With affiliate links

By selling products

By selling their ad space

They blog regularly combined with SEO knowledge, and they make money.

You can visit my post on how bloggers make money blogging. to know more about it.

Types of blogs that make money

Top bloggers who are making good money are in the following niches

1. Make money online

Make money online or make money from home is a broad subject to discuss on.

There are  many strategies by which you can make money from online or from home.

For instance,

  1. Being a freelancer,
  2. Affiliate marketing,
  3. Website flipping,
  4. Forex trading
  5. Selling eBooks online
  6. Selling photos online
  7. Panellists on survey websites
  8. Earning from YouTube
  9. Being a blogger
  10. Being an online trainer etc.,

are some of the examples of making money from home.

If you are interested in anyone of the topic, you can create a blog, post honest articles and make money.

Being a freelancer is easy to earn with the subject knowledge you have.

Many freelance websites are available to signup and earn with the tasks and projects.

2. Finance

Personal finance is an another topic on which most of the peoples are interested in.

People are searching for ways to save money and other ideas to improve their financial status.

You can use Quora and other Q/A websites to find the interested topics to cover on your blog.

Create a blog and fill it with quality articles on finance and boom, you are now a finance blogger.

If you have a certificate on finance it will be a added advantage.

Topics like

  1. Best insurances
  2. Provident funds
  3. Fixed deposits
  4. Corporate bonds
  5. House loan and other loans
  6. Retirement and asset allocation planning
  7. Planners, interest calculator tools etc.,

are most peoples interested in.

Anybody interested in the above topic can create a blog to earn money.

3. Health and Diet

Due to junk foods most of the people are suffering from obesity and other health issues.

Health and diet niche, guides readers on diet planning and helps to maintain good health.

Topics like, healthy living, health tips, diet panning, Fitness guide, health education, are more popular in online.

4. Food

Interested peoples on foods can blog around this topic.

You can blog around a foods on specif region, to gather more subscribers to your blog.

There are different types of foods in this world. Food varieties like Chinese, fries, Asian, Indian, spicy, etc.,

So, these are some types of blogs to make money. Below are some of the popular bloggers from India.

Niches like motivation, lifestyle, tech review, travel etc., are also other types to make money.

Popular bloggers from India:

Amit Agarwal

Amit Agarwal: Amit Agarwal is India’s first and Professional blogger. He holds a degree in computer science from IIT. His blog is about mobile apps and software applications. He also writes How-to guides. His website is His income is around 50,000$ per month

Harsh Agrawal

Harsh Agrawal: Harsh Agrawal is the founder of He is a fulltime blogger, his blog is about, earn money online, WordPress, email marketing etc., He holds a degree in Engineering and blogging for the past eleven years. I personally suggest every new blogger to take a look at his amazing blog. His income is around 50,000$ per month

Faisal Farooqui

Faisal Farooqui: Faisal Farooqui is an entrepreneur and founder of He has obtained a Bachelor of science degree in information systems. Mouthshut .com hosts reviews of movies, banks, restaurants etc., His income is around 50,000$ per month

Shradha Sharma

Shradha Sharma: Shradha Sharma is the founder of, a blog with the collection of Founders and leaders stories. She is blogging for the past nine years.His income is around 30,000$ per month

Varun Krishna

Varun Krishna: Varun Krishna is the founder of His blog is about mobile phones, gadgets, and reviews. His income is around 22,000$ per month

New bloggers can go thru their websites and understand the structure of their blog. so that, you can also implement the same idea to make your blog popular.

Top Popular bloggers around the world:

Pete Cashmore: Pete Cashmore is the CEO of the media and entertainment company called Mashable. He is from Scotland. He started blogging at the age of 19 years in 2005. Mashable is a multi-platform entertainment and news company, it has huge followers around the world. He makes approximately$560,000 to $800,000 per month.

Michael Arrington

Michael Arrington: Michael Arrington is a former editor, founder of Techcrunch website. His blog provides information about latest technologies, gadgets and new startups. He earns about $500,000 to $700,000 per month.

Perez Hilton

Perez Hilton: Perez Hilton is the founder of His blog is full of gossip new of celebrities. He resides in Hollywood with his family. The latest news and gossips about these celebs are shared in this blog day to day. He makes money from $200,000 to $400,000 monthly.

Vitaly Friedman

Vitaly Friedman: Vitaly Friedman founded the smashing magazine in September 2006 in Germany.Smashing magazine consists of articles which are helpful to web designers and developers, he earns about $150,000 to $190,000 per month.

Timothy Sykes

Timothy Sykes: Timothy Sykes, the founder of is an American penny stocks trader and investor. He shares the strategies and articles on finance and investments in his blog His earnings range from $150,000 to $180,000 per month.

How can I make money blogging?

These peoples are the masters in blogging.

Their earnings shows, if you have a passion for writing with a proper strategy, then earning money blogging is not so hard for the one.

So, now its obvious that, if anybody has a computer with blogging knowledge, they can make their living on their own by earning with a blog.

I suggest, to be familiar with technical aspects like keyword research, On-page SEO and Off-page SEO before building a blog. Find my posts on Keyword research, On-page SEO, OFF page SEO to learn

My Simple Strategy to earn from blogging

After going thru all these information about the bloggers and their earnings, one thing came to my mind. That is, Anybody can create a blog and make it successful if we follow certain factors.

Those factors are the requirements which fulfill the visitors need and satisfy them.

Keeping that in mind, I followed a simple strategy to earn from blogging.

I promised myself, my posts should be valuable and helpful to the visitors of my blog.

I followed these below steps to build my first blog to earn money

1. Decide what to blog

A huge number of peoples are searching internet day by day to find the answers for their queries. The first step is to find what your blog should be about.

A blogger should find what the peoples are searching about?

Or check what are you familiar with, or passionate about.

But if your passion doesn’t have a huge audience, then your blog will make only less money.

2. Search for the competitor

After deciding the category (food, travel, tech review, parenting etc.,) of the blog, the next step is to search for the competitors.

Always there are competitors for every topic, I suggest to avoid the category which has fewer competitors

Search in google for your category and find the competitors in the google result page.

3. Analyze the website

Choose and select some of the best competitor blogs to surf. Take your time to surf their blog and gather the information on their strategy as much as you can.

Factors like Headline of the posts, post length, the way of conveying their information, the structure of the website, how often they are posting content etc.,

You don’t need to copy them, but gain the idea and knowledge from their blog to create your own one.

4. Create a unique blog

After gaining the knowledge, build your blog with your unique thoughts. Present the content with values and solve the queries of the visitors honestly.

The blog posts in your blog should solve the need of the visitor and make them visit again.

Other technical factors like keyword research, article writing, SEO are essential to pull visitors to the new blog.

Every new blogger should develop their knowledge on SEO

You may be wondering what is SEO, to know about, visit my other post.

so, For example,  If you are interested in playing football, you can create a new blog about football.

Or else, even you can create a blog on a popular football celebrity.

Now after deciding what to blog, then search the google for the term of the celebrity or other football related keywords.

Select some worthy competitor blogs and analyze their website.

Finally, you create your own blog on football. Take reference from other blogs.

Don’t copy them, but just for knowledge.

So, this is the simple strategy I followed while creating my first blog.

I hope, this same strategy will work for you too.

So, if you have any query comment it below.

Now It’s Your Turn

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