In this post we shall discuss about Where Do Youtubers Get Their Music ?
Do you know that YouTube audio library contains totally 1600 audio tracks for its users.
All these 1600 tracks are free to use and most of the You tubers use it on their videos.
You tube is one of the largest social media around the world.
The platform daily produces billions of views from the viewers.
Not only viewers, small business owners, musicians, artists, content creators create channel everyday on YouTube.
While content creation, they use music background for their videos,
But Where Do You tubers Get Their Music for their videos ?
This post will answer this question,
In the last section of this post i have also provided details on how to do you tube SEO and attain 1st rank in search results.
Lets dig in to it.
What is You tube ?

You tube is one of the video sharing platform, where viewers can able to create channel and upload the videos.
Everyone can create a channel around any specific topic, upload a video and share it with other viewers.
You tube was created on 2005 and has around 6 billion watch hours on every month.
If you watch any videos online, most probably it was created on YouTube.
Why people Use You tube ?
The main reason why peoples are using you tube is its number of videos present in the platform.
If you search for any keyword, you can find number of videos around the topic in you tube.
Some statistics says, for every minute 100 videos are uploaded in the world.
For example you can find videos on all topics like pets, comedy, digital marketing, real estate, Film clips, cooking videos, science experiments, fashion design videos and lot more.
So, there is always you can find a new video on the topic you search.
Where Do Youtubers Get Their Music ?
Most of the you tubers have some kind of background music on their videos.
While at the beginning of the video, you can hear the introduction music, and during middle of the videos you can hear the background music.
Background music is to set the mood of the viewers which makes them feel pleasant and it increases the watch time.
But, you might have wondered from where these vlogers get the background music ?
There are restriction like music copyright, you should not use the copy righted music on your videos.
If you used it on your videos it leads to account ban and disqualify to monetization.
Vloggers can access You tube audio library in their channel in studio for background tracks.
Below are some of the websites where you can find the copy right free music for your videos.
Youtube Audio Library

Audio library is a channel owned by YouTube for the content creators.
Any body can use these audio library, download the copy right free music and use on their videos.
But, since its free most of the vloggers use the same music on their videos, which makes missing standout from other videos.
So, you can access other music websites given above to use their background music.
Where Do Youtubers Get Their Music For Free ?
As i suggested before, above are the sites where you can download the music for free.
Apart from these websites, there are many other websites. Those are,
- Tunetank
- Premium Beat
- Free Stock Music
- Epedemic sound
- Audio jungle
- Story blocks
- Free Music Archive
- Jamendo
- Free play music
- Dig cc mixter
- Beat pick
- Lens distortions
- Filmstro
We shall discuss about 2 most famous websites below
Epidemic sound
Epidemic sound is a website contains large number of music tracks for the video creators.
These music are heard around 2.5 billion times per day.
They own all the rights for their music and anybody can subscribe for it.
Their enterprise plans are customized to cover from gaming videos to filmmaking videos.
Their pricing start with $6 per month. They have 3 plans
- Personal
- Commercial
- Enterprise

Free Music Archive
Free music archive is also a website collection of music. It was founded in 2008.
It bridges the gap between the music creators and the content creators.
They provide extensive music libraries to vloggers and film makers.
This website contains Spotlight interviews of the music composers.
They have 3 license plans
- Bronze license
- Silver license
- Gold license

What is Youtube Music ?
YouTube music is a music streaming service platform, subsidiary of YouTube. It is owned by Google
It contains large collections of songs and music videos.
You can explore songs based on genres, recommendations and also can create playlists.
Podcast support is also introduced in the platform from 2003 onwards.
Previously, Google play music was the primary brand of Google for music streaming, but YouTube music replaced it in 2020 Dec 1
YouTube music also features premium services for their customers.
If you subscribe for their premium services, you can enjoy ad free songs and videos.
And also they provide the option to download the songs to listen during offline.
Their premium plan is available for individual and also as a family plan.
Their services is available in 122 countries worldwide.
Where Do Youtubers Get Their Video Clips
Most of the you tubers find their video clips in the open internet.
Some people record it thru their mobile phone.
But you can also find the video clips on YouTube itself.
Below are some of the website for downloading video clips for your you tube videos
In the above websites, pexels is free website and limited.
Pexels is a free stock photos and videos provider.
It contains nearly 3.2 million photos and videos to customers.
Other 4 websites are paid and you can subscribe to download video clips.
How To Do Youtube SEO And Attain 1st Rank in Search
If you want to make money online, there are many ways available.
Some of them are Blogging, Affiliate Marketing and Freelancing.
In my blog you can find the post related to these 3 topics.
You tube is also one of the method to earn money online and also its a passive income
If you upload a video, it will start generating income after some requirements met.
If a person search for a keyword in YouTube, your video should be in top position to get clicks and views.
Then only ads will be shown during watching and you will generate money from it.
But how to make your video to attain no 1 position in YouTube search result ?
That’s called You tube SEO.
Lets see how we can do it.
Insert Target Keyword in File Name
While searching for the keywords, search robots crawl all the codes of the videos.
Not only inside the content, but also the file name of the video.
For example if your keyword is “Best cooking utensils”, then rename the file with the required keyword.
This is the first and foremost activity in the YouTube seo.
Insert Target Keyword in Title
While performing keyword research, you will have a bunch of high traffic keywords.
Once you created a video for that particular keyword, insert the target keyword in the Title.
For same example, Best cooking utensils, Change the title of the video something like Top 10 best cooking utensils or Best cooking utensils under $1000 etc..,
Video Description optimization
After uploading the video you can find the description section of the video.
You need to optimize it for better ranking. But How to do it ? lets see
After searching for a keyword done, the results will show up the first 150 characters of the video description in the result.
But you tube allows you to enter up to 5000 characters in the description area.
Since the viewers see only first 150 characters, your description first 150 characters should contain the primary keyword of the video.
And you should describe the purpose of the video on that 150 characters.
Then, create content and include as many as secondary keywords in the description.
Also if you include the time stamps also its fine.
Tag your video with keywords
You tube automatically suggests the tags for the uploaded videos
You should tag the popular keywords on your videos while uploading.
These popular keywords tagged in the video help the video to boost you tube seo.
You can also include hashtags in the video description.
Tags should be according to the content of the video. But hashtags can be related to the topic of the video.
You can search for the trending videos on same keyword and can copy the tags and hashtags of the video.
Be cautious, if you use irrelevant tags, google will penalize and ban the account.
Video category
If you select the correct category for the video, google algorithm will detect and it become easy for it to show on search results.
Selecting the right category doesn’t improve your YouTube seo.
Create a custom thumbnail for the better CTR for the video.
Viewers will search for the videos in the YouTube, if your video appears with the right thumbnail, it will make them to click on the video and to watch.
And finally “content is the king”. Your content on videos should satisfy the viewers intent.
So, these are some of the details about Where Do Youtubers Get Their Music.
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